Saturday November 26th will see our club take over a ranch at a BMWCQ exclusive secret location with an evening of barnyard festivities to celebrate the holiday season.
Starting at 2pm there will be plenty of onsite parking, games and activities for the entire family, farm house dinner along with dessert and cool drinks provided, music and entertainment for all. Of course we will see the arrival of Santa and his helper elf, (please bring a gift for your children for Santa to hand out).

This year we are adding in a "Convoy to Christmas" this will be a short drive to the secret location of approximately 45min. Details to come.
The night will culminate with singing, dancing and of course a bon fire (permit pending) to have a good ole yarn with mates around. As the Barnyard Hoedown is taking place on a Saturday afternoon and into the evening you are more than welcome to BYO alcoholic beverages, there will be camping onsite if you wish to bring a tent, swag or caravan to camp out the night.
With the growing club membership base our events are continuously getting bigger, greater; record breakers. Your social team is striving to keep it fresh and interesting for you, we encourage you to dress in theme barnyard hoedown so lets see your inner cowboy/cowgirl or are you a farm animal? Perhaps you hide an inner Indian Chief
. Bring along water guns, there will be a water gun showdown in the ole corral.
Dinner of roast meats, vegetables, salads and desserts will be served at 6:30pm. You dont want to miss out on this sumptuous meal once the dinner bell rings. The hoedown will conclude at 9pm, so if you have little ones they will be home in good time, if you are young at heart and want to hit the night clubs you will have plenty of time. Others of us will be choosing to camp over, who is in for a BMWCQ camp out?
- What you will need to bring to the HOEDOWN
- A fun enjoyable attitude,
- Your Hoedown costume
- A chair for your derriere
- A water gun for the shoot out
- Towel and change of clothes if you intend on getting wet along with some sunscreen
- Your own alcoholic beverages
- A gift for your children, (please keep the gift under $20, wrapped and clearly labelled with your childs name. we dont want Santa giving your child gift to another, that would be awkward)
- A tent, swag, bongo van or caravan if you intend to camp out

Traditionally BMWCQ Annual Christmas Party is hosted as a free event to members, and your committee works to a budget per person to keep within the allocated funds. In years past we have had a number of members no show for a variety of reasons, as these people have been catered for that results in a direct financial loss to your club. Being responsible for your clubs funds the committee has made the decision that this years Christmas Party will have a $10 per adult registration fee to secure your booking and protect the clubs financial situation. Only those who have registered will receive the Secret Location of the ranch. Please dont let this deter you from attending, I assure you this will be a Christmas party to remember.
Your committee is looking forward to seeing you all there.