Buckle up people, the Presidents are running show.
It is certainly an honour to be bestowed the presidency of the BMW Club Queensland. There has only been 6 in the clubs rich history. To help celebrate our past and present Presidents, four of them will be taking the lead of each of the groups on this, our last breakfast run of the year.
Group 1 will be led by Graham Miller (former President and BMWCQ Life Member)
Group 2 by Ian Solomon, our current President, former Clubs Australia President and BMWCQ life member)
Group 3 by Larry Crouch, former President )
and if the stars align correctly.....
Group 4 ...........well that's a surprise that one.
Dont worry folks, this is a walk in the park for these guys, and they have done it many times before.
We are heading north this time and will be having breakfast right on the magnificent Pacific Ocean. We will be meeting at 6.30am sharp in the car park of the Ferny Grove Tavern, Samford Road, Ferny Grove for a briefing and we leave at 6.45am sharp. Make sure you're fuelled (there is a BP next door, have your coffee and ready to go at 6.30am for the briefing.
We will be heading up through the beautiful Sunshine Coast Hinterland travelling on some of the best roads you will find before swinging down onto the beautiful Sunshine Coast and to our final destination, "Surf Air" at Marcoola for breakfast.
I look forward to catching up with everyone and hope you can make it on the day.
Please make sure you register any guests you are bringing.