A chance to have some safe fun in your car, while learning valuable car handling skills that could prevent an accident.
Available for all levels of driver from experienced learner, to life long drivers who just want to have some fun and brush on their skills.
The cost is just $125 per entry for BMWCQ Members and only $140 per entry for non-members. Yes you can share an entry with as many as you want.
Weather: The course will be conducted irrespective of the weather conditions.
Spectators:Spectators are welcome at all our Motorsport events.
Travel Time:BRISBANE CBD 40 minutes SOUTHPORT 50 minutesTOOWOOMBA 100 minutes
Alcohol:The consumption of alcohol the night before will affect your ability to drive safely. We reserve the right to breath test and exclude participants.
Mt. Cotton Training Centre has a noise policy that applies to all hirers/users.
Vehicles cannot exceed 90 dB. Random testing is performed by centre management and cars exceeding 90 dB will be banned from further use. In this event, Safe Drive Training cannot provide any refund of course fees.
Clothing:We recommend comfortable clothing with regards to the likely conditions (hat & sun screen or warm jacket & umbrella). Closed footwear is MANDATORY!
We have a limited number of places for these events so register Today. For more information contact Denis Weisz