The last round of our Sommer Car Care 2016-17 Sprint Series. Its been a while since we've been at Lakeside for a sprint day, so don't miss out on all the Friday fun.
An event for all levels of driver. Non-members welcome. Entries are now open.
You don't need to be a member (though you get a discount if you are) and you don't need to have a BMW (members still receive "championship points" if you are running a non BMW).
Thanks to our motorsport sponsors, Sommer Car Care, member entries will be subsidised $10 per entry.
We encourage all members, if you haven't ever experienced a club track day to come and give one a try. They are a friendly and social day where you can experience your BMW in a controlled environment away from the roads and other not so informed drivers and drive at speeds that will not return you with a fuzzy picture of your car.