Annual General Meeting - 9 October 2020

Our October meeting is going to be very important as it is our Annual General Meeting where we will be electing the management committee for the next twelve months.
20 Narracott St, Carina
Needless to say, its been one heck of a ride, this past year. We have tried a few new things, some have worked, others.....! Now is your opportunity to join in and support the club. We would love to see some new faces helping to run the club, so don't hesitate. Put your hand up and help.
Even if you just come along and vote, it all helps.
Due to the ever present CoVid situation, there will be some strict guidelines for the evening. You must sign in with all your contact details, seating arrangements must not be altered, we must all sit and the Bowls Club isnot able to provide any food or drinks. We will order in some pizzas after the meeting and bring some bottled water.
There will be a very brief general meeting after the AGM to conduct any pressing business.
Nomination forms, proxy forms, 2019 Financial statement and Club Rules have been distributed via email. If you have any queries, don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns at