Our next general meeting will be held at Westside BMW, 275 Monier Rd, Darra on Friday, 12th March 2021.
Please assemble from 6:30pm so we can start the meeting at 7:00pm.
This Month: The new logo is approved and ready for use.
There will be a discussion regarding the implementation of this logo. We will review all of the clubs collateral and merchandise with the hope that we can create a complete new range of club paraphernalia.
If you can not make it to the meeting, please email me with ideas and requests for any new merchandise, president@bmwcq.com.au
We will be live streaming the meeting on the BMWQC Facebook Group page HERE and hopefully we will be able to answer any comments or questions.
Our monthly meetings are also an excellent opportunity to communicate directly with your committee, be informed about club developments and have your say about the club's future.
You also have the opportunity to see the latest showroom offerings and mix with your friends, old and new.
If you're thinking about joining the Club, then come along and meet some of the members, ask questions and see what it's all about.