
Please note: this is a stand alone event and not a round of our RX Automotive Sprint Series. Safe Drive Training, the company we use for our Skid Pan days, has invited members of our Club to attend their Driver Training day at Morgan Park on Tuesday 8 Feb 2022. Some of our members attended their day in November and thoroughly enjoyed the event with lots of track time and instruction. Check out these two videos to learn more about SDT and what you’ll experience on the day. You may also spot some familiar faces.
** Registering for this event
Please register in two (2) places:
- 1. Online via the Safe Drive Training website via the link below. This registers you for the event and also where you make payment direct to SDT. In the “Proposed Date” section of the form please put “8 Feb 2022 with BMW Club QLD). Then select “Advanced Car Control” as your event. The event is actually their “Sports Driver Training” but this is not an option on the online form.
- Defensive Driving - SAFE DRIVE TRAINING - Defensive and Advanced Driving Courses available across Asia-Pacific region (sdt.com.au)
- 2. Once you are registered and have made payment to SDT, please click Register in this event via the BMW app or website, so we know you are coming.
Once you have registered with SDT they will email you videos to watch prior to the day. These videos form 90% of the driver briefing to save time on the day. They are full of helpful information and funny bits to keep them entertaining. You will also receive information on tyre pressure, the track circuits they'll run on the day and the itinerary for the day. That will all come from SDT but I'm here to help with questions, just reach out!
** Price
We have a group booking discount of $200 for half a day and $300 for a full day. Please ignore the prices on the registration form.
** What you must have and need
- 1. CTP Rally Extension for road registered cars - call your CTP insurer and ask for a Rally Extension. Some insurers charge $10. They'll ask you what the name of the event is and this will be "SDT - Safe Drive Training - Sports Driver Training" , location, Morgan Park Raceway. They will then email the Rally Extension to you.
- 2. Australian Standard Helmet.
- 3. Full length clothing covering from neck to ankle to wrist. It is a good idea to layer up in case you get hot when not on the track.
- 4. Enclosed footwear.
- 5. Gloves (optional).
- 6. Food and drink. Last time the canteen was not open, but town is only about a 10 minute drive if you want to pop out and grab something.
- 7. Hat, sunscreen, umbrella and all the good things to keep you from getting sunburnt.
- 8. Chairs and anything else to make your pit time more comfortable.
- 9. In car timers etc. Times are not recorded on the day, however you can keep track of your times via in car methods. App’s such as TrackAddict are great as well to download to your phone. I can help you on the day with setting this up if you would like.
- 10. GoPro type cameras mounted to the outside of vehicles must have a secondary tether to a separate part of the car.
** One the day
Please meet at the track after you have filled up, grabbed coffee and some breakfast. We'll be allocated pit bays on arrival. Times and itinerary for the day will be emailed out from SDT closer to the 8 Feb. Please use any of the lower level pit bays that are avilable.
** Accommodation
The lovely Coachman’s Inn is our chosen hotel with prices starting from $159 per night. They have a pool and restaurant onsite which will be fabulous after a hot day at the track! Please call the hotel direct to book as they will match any online price.
Coachmans Inn Warwick (book-directonline.com)
Another hotel you may like to try which the Club has stayed at before is Centre Point Mid City Motor Inn. Again call them direct for the best price.
Accommodation Warwick - Centre Point Mid City Motor Inn - Home
** Dinner Tuesday 8 Feb
We will make a group booking for dinner closer to the time. There are a few options, the restaurant at Coachman’s Inn, lovely local Chinese restaurant and one of the taverns.
** Wednesday 9th Feb: Breakfast at Gardens Galore and the drive back to Brisbane
One of Warwick’s most popular cafes is Garden’s Galore. They have a beautiful menu and are set in a garden centre with fabulous gift shops throughout. Click the link below to view all their goodies! A group breakfast will be made closer to the time.
WARWICK GARDENS GALORE - Updated 2022 Restaurant Reviews, Photos & Phone Number - Tripadvisor
We'll come home via Killarney and up over The Head Road making a stop at the cafe at Queen Mary Falls. It's a short walk to the falls if you wish to check them out. There are wild birds at the cafe you can hand feed and pat as well. The Head Road is a fantastic drive many of you have enjoyed. Note - this road is not suitable for trailers.
We will then go through Boonah, Wyaralong, Bromelton, Jimboomba and then head off to our homes.
It will be a great couple of days to be enjoyed by not just the drivers but family and friends also as spectators/supporters.
Event organiser (BMWCQ) Christine Murphy 0411 467 745 or email icc@bmwcq.com.au