Registration is now open!! - Its a two part process.
1. Register and pay via the porsche club
2. Register on the BMWCQ site so we know you are attending and assign your points for the club series.
Our annual vist to the Iconic Morgan Park track is not to be missed. This will be both Round 4 of our RX Automotive Sprint Series and a round of the Inter Club Challenge. As a club member, you will be registered for both once completing registration. The track is one of the best in the country. With the 2 main circuits being used there is something for every one with long straights, tight coners and sweeping curves.
Registration and payment is via the Porsche Club Qld using the link below. Entry for this event is restricted to BMWCQ members and members of the affiliated ICC clubs only. The link below will take you to the Porsche Club Qld (PCQ) website, you will see "Entry Form", on the right, click that to enter and pay..
Motorsport Events - Events Calendar - Porsche Club Queensland (porscheclubqld.com.au)
Entries will close on Thursday 9 June 2022 at 4pm or sooner if fully subscribed.
Cost: $250 for the full day (no half days) payable direct to PCQ.
Register here on the BMWCQ Site so we know you are attending. To help with the costs of attending the day, we will subsidise all club attendees $20 per entry, payable in cash on the day. You will need to be registered on the BMWCQ site to receive your subsidy. https://bmwcq.com.au/event-4713058
You will also require a Motorsport Australia Speed Licence, link below, If you do not have a current MA license go onto their website now and register for one, they are not available on the day. You will also require a CTP Rally Extension from your CTP Insurer if your car is road registered.
Get your Motorsport Australia Licence
Requirements: Please review the Supplementary Regulations for all the info on the event and also requirements for yourself and vehicle. You will require an 'in date' fire extinguisher mounted in the vehicle. If you do not have one yet and require any assistance with this please make contact.
If you have any queries, please get in touch.
Denis Weisz Christine Murphy
Motorsport Director ICC Coordinator
0408 742 617 0411 467 745
motorsport@bmwcq.com.au icc@bmwcq.com.au