Registration is open!
Please note: You must register and pay via HSCCQ to be entered in to this enter. Clicking register in this event let's me know you will be attending only.
Information from HSCCQ below:
"This event will be both the 2022 Queensland Khanacross Championship and also the Khanacross round of the 2022 Queensland Inter-Club Challenge.
With tests up to 2km, fast and skillful drivers compete in forward direction, through combinations of straights, open corners, and tight turns. Test yourself and your car in our sealed-surface Khanacross event.
Competitors must have a current Motorsport Australia licence.
Entries are online only and you will need to complete the Entry Form in full (follow this link 2022-11-13 Khanacross – HSCCQ). Entry closes 7pm on Friday 11th November. If you need help please email us at entries@hsccq.com
All Khanacross vehicles must be fitted with a fire extinguisher, compliant with the requirements of a Hand-Held Extinguisher within Schedule H of the Motorsport Australia Manual. (Minimum 900g Capacity AS 1841)
All Khanacross drivers must be wearing an approved helmet and wrist-to-ankle non-flammable clothing."
Entry closes: 7pm Friday 11th November. Register ASAP as this is the QLD championship as well, it will fill fast. No late entries will be accepted.
Cost: $60 for adults and $30 for juniors
Licences: MA Speed Licence and civilian licence
Other things I'll need:
CTP Cover - You will be required to obtain a Rally Extension from your CTP insurer.
Fire extinguisher - 1kg extinguisher mounted inside the car.
Supplementary regulations: Please read the supp regs found at the bottom of the registration link on HSCCQ 2022-11-13 Khanacross – HSCCQ. All the information you need to know about your prep and car prep is found in this document.
Test Diagrams: To view the tests prior to the event click this link and scroll to the botton of the page 2022-11-13 Khanacross – HSCCQ
What to expect:
Here is a video of a previous Khanacross held by HSCCQ at Willowbank and will give you a good idea of how the tests are run. This is an experienced driver however all levels of drivers are encourgaged to get involved. Yes it could be your first event and what a brag, your first event and you competed in the Queensland Championship! If you are not out for a trophy you can drive at a pace you are comfortable with and just have fun!
Click here to view the video: HSCCQ Khanacross Round 1 - YouTube
Itinerary for the day: HSCCQ will email out to registrants more information closer to the event with gates open, driver's briefing etc times. BMW members will meet at the track when gates open.
If you have any questions about the event or registration, please contact me first on icc@bmwcq.com.au or 0411 467 745 and if I can't help you then contact HSCCQ.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Take care, Christine Murphy
ICC Coordinator
What is the ICC?
Welcome to the Inter Club Challenge (ICC) 2022. The ICC is made up of over 10 other Motorsport Australia affiliated Clubs. The ICC calendar is made up of events hosted by the different Clubs, who then extend invitations to the other Club's to attend. This makes for a very diverse selection of both Motorsport and social events. For example, the BMW Club Qld hosts the Regularity event each year which is also a Club fundraiser.
Each participant, whether driving in one or all events, will earn points and the chance to win a trophy at the end of the year. The top four (4) drivers points from each Club, at each event, go towards the Club tally and contribute to helping the Club win the championship.
What is a Khanacross?
Khanacross is a competition involving a series of timed tests of various layouts. Khanacross is not a speed event but may be conducted fully on a sealed surface. No straight section of the course may exceed 100 metres in length without a turn of at least 90°. Each test shall be designed to test the acceleration, braking and general maneuverability of the vehicle encompassing the skill and judgement of the driver. Each vehicle will commence from a standing start and come to a complete stop within the finish garage. The course for each test shall be marked by the appropriate use of arrows and/or direction markers. The object of the competition is for each driver to complete the course/s weaving around natural or man-made obstacles in the shortest possible time, without incurring penalties. (www.motorsport.org.au)
I competed in my first Khanacross last year driving my 2017 MINI Cooper Special 7 Edition. In the video below you'll see me driving the shorter of the Tests.
Video: Yet to be uploaded
Looking for more information on this event contact Christine on 0411 467 745 or icc@bmwcq.com.au. See you at the track!