Our Annual General Meeting will be held at
MG Clubhouse
Friday 16th May
Please assemble from 6:30 pm
The Annual General Meeting for BMW Club Queensland Incorporated will take place on Friday, 16th May 2025.
Location: MG Clubhouse, 8/16 Collinsvale St Rocklea.
The AGM will commence at 7.00 pm, when the election of office bearers will take place.
If you are attending the AGM please register here.
Nominations are invited for all Committee positions by filling in the attached nomination form which is available here. A list of the available committee positions for nomination is found here.
If you cannot attend the AGM a Proxy Form is attached here.
Nominations to participate on the Club’s committee must be received by the Club Secretary, Kerri Thomas, by close of business, 5.00pm, on Friday the 2nd May 2025 to be considered valid.
Proxy forms may be received on the day of the AGM, prior to 6:00pm (however, to facilitate the orderly running of the meeting, it would be appreciated if these could be emailed before the holding of the AGM).
Please email committee nominations and/or proxy voting forms to secretary@bmwcq.com.au .
I encourage all members to show their support for the club by attending to help elect the 2025 -2026 office bearers.
Kind regards,
John Fairman
President - BMW Club QLD